Virtual Engagement Activities for Women’s Day
This women’s day is certainly unique as many companies continue to work remotely. The last few months have shown us that great things are possible in the virtual space. Take the opportunity this International Women’s Day to connect and inspire women across your organization. Here are six ways, Women’s day can be celebrated virtually. These ideas can also be adapted if you are working from the office as well.
- Digital affirmation drive:
Affirmations and positive feedback is something we all need at different points in time and more so in the current pandemic situation. Women in organizations have overcome many challenges to give their best in their respective roles. Make this women’s day a time of encouragement by sending individualized digital affirmation cards to all women in the organization. The cards could be designed in formats that can be shared on Social Media if the women choose to.
- Virtual Women Employee Engagement session:
Engagement sessions can uplift and inspire teams by giving them a platform to connect with each other in an inclusive environment. Identify certain program objectives that you want the program to focus on, similar to the following examples:
- Creative resilience in overcoming challenges
- Demonstrating courage
- Having a growth mindset
Based on the objective, activities can be chosen and facilitated virtually to inspire women of the organization. Over the last few years, Breakthrough has delivered engagement sessions for women employees of organizations, and this year we hope to provide solutions virtually and in a mutually agreed location of choice. If are looking to do an engagement session for the women in your organization, do contact us.
- Small group discussion on topics:
Provide a safe space for women to share and discuss the challenges they face in balancing work-life needs. The pandemic has thrown open multiple difficulties that women are facing with managing kids, household chores, their own mental health, etc. Setting aside time with about 5-6 women to chat with each other can also enable sharing of best practices. The session could be conducted over lunch or tea virtually. Create a list of questions that women could discuss, facilitated by a team leader. Some topics to discuss could be overcoming pandemic fatigue, managing children and work, being a resilient woman, and #choosetochallenge based on the International Women’s day theme.
- Theme-based events:
Create a theme-based fun time for women. Ensure that the chosen theme is something the women in the organization can associate with. The event could include fun activities, quizzes, and competitions all in line with the theme. A fun twist would be to ask the women to come dressed-up based on the theme.
- Recognize women’s contribution:
Compile a list of accomplishments by women in the organization. A little bit of research and background data compilation will be needed to make this happen. What better way, than to make women in the organization realize the impact they have on company goals. Special awards could be given to women who have made outstanding contributions to the organization.
- Release a special e-book:
Release a special e-book that acts as a guide for women in the organization. The goal is to build a community of women who are informed about their rights, responsibilities, and growth opportunities. It could include the following:
- Special contributions by women
- Tips for balancing work-life needs
- Scenarios of discrimination they need to speak-out about
- Pro-women policies
- How to become a leader in the organization?
You could revise the e-book annually to ensure it contains all the up-to-date information.
Any one of these activities can be conducted, or two-to-three of these activities could be combined for better impact. It is time to uplift each other as we overcome the pandemic together. Here’s hoping you leave the women in your organization inspired this March.
In conclusion, a note of affirmation to all the women who have overcome tremendous challenges this past year. You are brave! You are strong! Keep going.
Happy Women’s day!
Authored by Blessy Esther, Consultant
For queries on Engagement programs for Women. Write to