Entries by Breakthrough Admin

Business Growth through People empowerment

People empowerment in organizations, is a practice that is both embraced and feared. Embraced, in a world that is constantly changing and feared when boundaries are crossed. There have been a number of research studies that have positively linked empowerment with increased team performance.   According to a study, organizations which practice employee empowerment have […]

Karnataka Hockey Team gearing up for the upcoming season through experiential learning at Breakthrough

The Karnataka senior men’s Hockey team which is preparing for the upcoming nationals participated in an experiential learning program at Breakthrough today. Breakthrough is an organization that uses experiential learning to facilitate learning of behaviours and values for teams from across corporates, colleges, schools, sporting teams etc.   The Karnataka Hockey team along with Coach […]

A poem dedicated to Breakthrough

Life is a tight rope walk Balance is the key to open every lock Each step of not only yours, you watch And always aim at higher notch There is a lot at stake On the choices, you make When everything seems dark Just remind yourself to rekindle the spark Winning does becomes a habit […]

Tales from Chewy

Death has a strange way of triggering emotions! Little Chewy died 10 days ago and it affected, rather continues to affect me, much more than I imagined it would. Even today, everytime I hear about him or think about him, it invokes a  sense of sadness. I have such strong feelings of loss of that delightful fawn […]

Planting seeds of goodness into young lives, the Breakthrough way

Suicides, bullying, and violence have crept into our school campuses, leading to an unhealthy environment for our children to grow. Research states that, if children continue to be aggressive in elementary school and are not taught good coping skills, such as communication and problem solving, they will continue to be aggressive, often for a lifetime […]

Corporate training as a career

  In today’s highly competitive corporate world it is not about big beating small; rather it is about fast beating slow. Organisations are seeking ways to be move from efficiency to effectiveness, from performance to high performance, and from planning for future success to wanting success ‘yesterday’. There is a marked trend in moving from […]

Creating a Culture that Facilitates both Ownership and Performance

  The need in the organization: Consistent ownership and high performance   Their Strategy: Create a culture that facilitates both ownership and performance   What we did/do: • Training Needs Analysis (areas of need/growth) • Design of High-Performance Culture Training Program • Top to bottom roll-out, company-wide • Senior director Co-facilitation • Address Specific Performance/culture […]