First Aid Training for the Breakthrough Team
Breakthrough is also the first Outbound training organization to be certified in the Occupational Health and Safety management system, OHSAS 18001: 2007. It was recently certified in the quality management system ISO 9001: 2008.
Recently, a first aid training workshop was conducted for the team at Breakthrough. A few members have already been certified in first aid. It was a refresher to all the facilitators from both the Bangalore and Coimbatore centers on various aspects of First Aid like CPR, handling injuries, burns, shock etc.
The program was conducted by the Indian Red Cross Society. First aid is an important safety practice for organizations to have in place. The team at Breakthrough would like to ensure safety for all visiting our campuses and in the society, practicing the Breakthrough policy of SAFETY FIRST, SAFETY LAST and SAFETY INBETWEEN.